When you receive an IRS notice, you may feel nervous and uncertain about what to do. After all, you don’t want to get into trouble with the IRS, and you don’t want to get hit with heavy penalties or tax evasion charges. While you might have numerous reasons for not paying your taxes, it doesn’t hurt to have a tax attorney by your side. In fact, if you hire the right tax attorney, you can avoid these issues altogether. Check out https://www.kentuckytaxattorneys.net/mammoth-cave-ky/ to find the best tax attorney in America.
In the case of an unincorporated business or at-home employee, the Office of Tax and Revenue will not attempt to establish nexus unless the taxpayer has a home office or property that is located temporarily within the District. If the taxpayer files a request for a rehearing, he or she must do so by July 15, 2020. If a taxpayer is denied a rehearing, they have sixty days to file an administrative protest.
An attorney specializing in tax code issues can help you navigate the IRS and get the best possible result. Tax attorneys can offer legal advice on complicated legal issues and help you formulate arguments to support your position. They analyze case facts and the relevant legal standards to determine the best solution. When appropriate, tax attorneys may use the court system to resolve a tax dispute. A tax attorney’s presence at an audit can effectively convey the benefits of the taxpayer to the Internal Revenue Service and negotiate a settlement.
If the IRS believes that you did not file your taxes on time, they can impose a fine. Depending on the penalty, it can be as high as 5% of the outstanding amount. If you have no outstanding balance, the IRS may visit you for a lesser penalty. If you know the reason why the IRS assessed a fine, you can request an abatement. If the fines are excessive, you can request that the IRS consider abating them. In fact, abatement occurs in one third of tax cases.
There are several reasons why you should hire a Tax Attorney. First, the IRS will most likely not accept your offer in compromise unless you have filed an Offer in Compromise. An enrolled agent can determine if you qualify and whether there are other options available to you. This way, you will be sure to get the best refund. Additionally, a licensed Enrolled Agent will know whether an Offer in Compromise is the right option for you.
During this time, the Tax Division will suspend most activities. Specifically, new warrants and liens will not be issued. However, prior audits and legal bills will continue. However, the state is encouraging taxpayers to respond to outstanding requests for information promptly. In addition, they will continue to enforce applicable statutes of limitations. So, it is important to act now and find a Tax Attorney before it’s too late. However, there are some important changes coming up for the tax system.